High temperature tube furnaces ST up to 1900ºC

Hobersal’s ST16 ST18 and ST19 design tubular furnace, versatile and compact up to 1600ºC heated by Kanthal SiC and 1650ºC, 1800ºC and 1900ºC (MoSi2)


TheST16, ST18 and ST19 series are tube furnaces with a new modern, compact and versatile design with maximum temperatures up to 1600ºC, heated by Silicon Carbide (SiC) Kanthal heating elements and modibdenum disilicide (MoSi2) Kanthal Super 1800 and 1900 and high quality and high density thermal insulation that allow high heating rates and low energy consumption

ST16, ST18 and ST19  high temperature tube furnaces let work in oxidizing atmosphere, inert or reduced atmosphere and vacuum with our gas and vacuum packages.


  • Maximum temperatures up to 1600ºC, 1650ºC, 1800ºC and 1900ºC
  • Diameters from 20 mm and 120 mm
  • 300, 450, 600 and 800 mm heating zones
  • Heated zones: 1, 2, 3 and 5 independent zones
  • Silicon Carbide heating elements (Kanthal SiC rods)
  • MoSi2 Kanthal super 1800 and 1900
  • Ramp programmer up to 64 segments
  • Heating pilot indicator light
  • Solid state relays provide for lownoise operation
  • High density insulation for energy savings
  • Air chamber to prevent surface overheating
  • Fast heating and cooling
  • Thermocouples type S (1600ºC) Type B (1900ºC)
  • Fan in control panel to protect the electrical parts

Additional equipment:


  • Eurotherm EPC 3016 programmer (10 programs – 25 segments) + itools logging software (allows curve downloads in Excel format) via Ethernet
  • Nanodac programmer ( 100 programs) USB and Ethernet entry + itools logging software (allows curve downloads in Excel format)



  • Quartz, Alumina, High Alumina and Inconel tubes
  • Water-cooled vacuum flanges for inert or reduced atmosphere and vacuum up to x10-5Mbar
  • Vacuum pumps up to 1Mbar, x10-2Mbar and x10-5Mbar (Leybold)
  • Inert, reducing and flammable gas supply systems (Manual, semi-automatic and by MFC – mass flow controllers)
  • Ceramic and fibre plugs for working in atmosphere
  • OTP (Over temperature protection)
  • Radiation shields
  • Crucibles and boats
  • Rods for sample insertion and extraction
  • Gloves, crucible tongs…


Model Heating lenght (mm) Tube diameter (mm) Outer dimensions (mm) Power Kw Voltage V maximum Temperature ºC Maximum temperature limited work ºC Maximum temperarure in continous Thermocouple Control type Heating Elements (Silicon Carbide) Homogenius zone (mm)
High Temperature tube furnaces up to 1600ºC (1500ºC in continous)
ST166030 SC 300 40 to 100 700 760 460 1600ºC 1550ºC 1500ºC S Ramp P. Kanthal SiC 120
ST166045 SC 450 40 to 200 700 910 460 1600ºC 1550ºC 1500ºC S Ramp P. Kanthal SiC 200
ST166060 SC 600 40 to 200 700 1060 460 1600ºC 1550ºC 1500ºC S Ramp P. Kanthal SiC 300
ST166080SC 800 60 to 200 700 1260 460 1600ºC 1550ºC 1500ºC S Ramp P. Kanthal SiC 300
ST1680100SC 1000 80 to 200 700 1460 460 1600ºC 1550ºC 1500ºC S Ramp P. Kanthal SiC 700
High temperature tube furnaces up to 1650ºC (Kanthal Super 1800 MoSi2)
ST166030 300 40 to 100 750 625 540 1650ºC 1600ºC 1550ºC S Ramp P. MoSi2 120
ST166040 400 40 to 120 750 730 540 1650ºC 1600ºC 1550ºC S Ramp P. MoSi2 150
ST166060 600 60 to 200 750 1060 540 1650ºC 1600ºC 1550ºC S Ramp P. MoSi2 300
ST168080 800 80 to 200 750 1260 540 1650ºC 1600ºC 1550ºC S Ramp P. MoSi2 480
ST16100100 1000 100 to 200 750 1460 540 1650ºC 1600ºC 1550ºC S Ramp P. MoSi2 700
High temperature tube furnaces up to 1800ºC (Kanthal Super 1800 MoSi2)
ST186030 300 40 to 100 750 625 540 1800ºC 1750ºC 1700ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 120
ST186040 400 40 to 120 750 730 540 1800ºC 1750ºC 1700ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 150
ST186060 600 60 to 200 750 1060 540 1800ºC 1750ºC 1700ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 300
ST188080 800 80 to 200 750 1260 540 1800ºC 1750ºC 1700ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 480
ST18100100 1000 100 to 200 750 1460 540 1800ºC 1750ºC 1700ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 700
High temperature tube furnaces up to 1900ºC (Kanthal Super 1900 MoSi2)
ST196030 300 40 to 100 750 625 540 1900ºC 1850ºC 1800ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 120
ST196040 400 40 to 120 750 730 540 1900ºC 1850ºC 1800ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 150
ST196060 600 60 to 200 750 1060 540 1900ºC 1850ºC 1800ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 300
ST198080 800 80 to 200 750 1260 540 1900ºC 1850ºC 1800ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 480
ST19100100 1000 100 to 200 750 1460 540 1900ºC 1850ºC 1800ºC B Ramp P. MoSi2 700


Homogeneity decreases with larger tube diameters 
Heating elements from Kanthal ( Kanthal SiC – Kanthal Super1800 and 1900)
2, 3 and 4 Independent zones available (Under request)
Other sizes under request (Custom furnaces available)         .
External dimensions vary when furnace is equipped with additional equipment. Dimensions on request
Hobersal reserves the right to modify sizes