If you don’t find what you are looking for, contact us for a custom tube furnace.

Tube furnaces up to 1900ºC

ST Series up to 1900ºc

High temperature tube furnaces from 1600ºC (SiC) up to 1900 (MoSi2) Horizontal Operation

ST Series up to 1900ºC

High temperature tube furnaces from 1600ºC (SiC) up to 1900 (MoSi2) Vertical  Operation

ST SP Series

Split tube furnaces up to 1300ºC, horizontal operation

ST Series

Universal tube furnaces up to 1300ºC, horizontal operation

TR Series

Vertical and split tube furnaces up to 1300ºC, vertical operation

HTF Series 

Split or universal tube furnaces to work under modified atmosphere or vacuum, great uniformity, different tube diameters and heating zones up to 1600ºC (Horizontal or Vertical Operation)

Tube furnaces accessories 

Vacuum pumps, gas suply system, vacuum flanges, ceramic, alumina, inconel and quartz tubes…

Process control and Documentation

Hobersal offers a wide range of controllers for every type of application and process needs.

The difference between the furnace chamber and the inside of the tube can be up to 50°C.

It is recommended to work in ramp programmer mode.

Heating rates should not exceed 10ºC/min, in high alumina tubes it is recommended not to exceed 4ºC/min.

The working pressure for modified atmospheres should not exceed 0.2bar with a constant gas flow